Dr. Wai-Sing Vincent Wu

Dr. Wai-Sing Vincent Wu ⏤

July 1, 2016

Dr. Wai-Sing Vincent Wu ⏤

July 1, 2016

DISCIPLINE NOTICE: Publication under S. 39.3 of the Health Professions Act

The Inquiry Committee of the College obtained a consent order from Dr. Wu under s. 33(6)(c) and 36 of the Health Professions Act in relation to his conduct in misbilling Medical Services Plan and patients for optometric services. Dr. Wu billed MSP for some patients that did not have any “billable” conditions and billed MSP for some services that were billed and paid privately by the patients. In some cases, the date of service for MSP billings did not match the dates that the patients were actually examined.

Under the terms of the consent order, Dr. Wu acknowledges that he has engaged in professional misconduct and consents to a reprimand for misbilling MSP and patients for optometric services and engaging in unethical behaviour. He undertakes not to repeat the conduct of misbilling of optometric services to MSP or otherwise engaging in unethical behviour. He consents to an eighteen (18) months suspension of his practice of optometry as defined in the Optometrists Regulation. Dr. Wu will serve the first nine (9) months period of suspension from July 1, 2016, and the remaining nine (9) months of his suspension will be stayed as long as he is in compliance with the terms of the consent order.

Prior to the expiration of the first nine (9) months of his suspension and return to practice, Dr. Wu has also consented to successfully complete, at his cost, courses on professional ethics and clinical record-keeping, such courses to be approved in advance by the Registrar. The course on professional ethics will address the conduct admitted and the concept and management of ethical, boundary and professional issues. The Registrant undertakes to provide documentary evidence confirming that he has successfully completed those courses to the Registrar prior to his return to practice and to comply with recommendations arising from the courses.

Following the expiration of the first nine (9) months of his suspension and his return to practice, Dr. Wu has also consented to practise under the direct supervision of a registrant of the College, appointed by the Inquiry Committee for a period of one year, at his cost, and to cooperate with six (6) random site-based audits by a College appointed inspector at any time during the first three (3) years. Dr. Wu also consents to pay investigative costs in accordance with the College bylaw tariff and to provide a letter to the College expressing his remorse for his professional misconduct.