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Message from the Registrar

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Dr. J. Barton McRoberts The last couple of months have been quite busy at the College. It is registration time and the sheer volume of registering over 600 registrants and almost as many corporations is a huge load for the office staff. The use of internet registration has been a huge help. A large project of the College has been the scope expansion concerning glaucoma. Dr. Komarnicky in particular has put a great deal of work on this issue. He has met with government, with the BCAO and the BC Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons for input. The input from many other interested parties who responded to the posting of the proposed Standards Limits and Conditions (SLC’s)were also considered. The updated document was presented to the Pharmaceutical Advisory Committee on November 8th. There were further changes made based on input from this committee. The finalized document was presented to the Board of the College on November 10th, and was adopted at that meeting.

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